
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

My Great Big Accomplishment and a Fun, Fall Giveaway

**UPDATE 10/16/12: The winner of the super cute Book Pumpkin is Cindy Wilson!**

Well, I've made a huge accomplishment. Never mind all the things on my to-do list that are screaming for attention. My crafty little self did something amazing.

I actually made something off of Pinterest!

I knew all that pinning would pay off someday, so I'm having a giveaway to celebrate.

Now, before I show you the goods, I need to issue a warning.

There are two kinds of book lovers in the world:

1. The kind who treasure books so much that they'd never, ever, ever desecrate one for any reason. Especially not for something as superficial and petty as a craft project. It wouldn't matter if it's the worst book in the history of the world, this kind of book lover would rather rip your arms off than dog-ear a page or bend the spine of a book (I'm looking at my sister, Debbie). If you're one of these people, click away quickly! If you scroll down, you may very well need to be hospitalized.

2. The kind who love books so much that they want to fill their whole world with stacks of books, and pictures of books, and any kind of art that showcases the beauty of books. For these people, a piece of art could be the worst in the history of the world, but if you add a book to it, it suddenly becomes magnificent. Because books make everything infinitely more wonderful. If you're this kind of book lover, you're going to like my little project.

Ta Da! It's a Book Pumpkin!

A pumpkin. Made out of a book! Could there possibly be a better decoration for fall? I say no. You can be sure I'll be making more of these.

Take a few deep, cleansing breaths if you need to, or leave a comment below for a chance to win the super cute Book Pumpkin. 

So, I need to know...

Are you on Pinterest? Have you actually made any of the stuff you've pinned? Which kind of book lover are you? 


  1. I'm super impressed! I'm not on pinterest because I have heard it is addicting...and I just don't have the time right now! I think I'd probably gravitate more toward recipes and stuff like that since I'm not crafty. At all.

    And I don't mind marking up a book with a pen, so I guess I don't mind using it for a pumpkin. :)

    1. You've heard right. Pinterest is addicting. I'm not good with the recipes and cooking, though. I do have a board called "Yum," but I don't think I've ever pinned something to it with the intention of actually making it. I just like the idea of the yummy thing in the picture magically appearing on my table. I could probably find lots of cooking tips for dummies on there, though. Hmmm...

  2. Ahh, that's soooo cute! I love it and I'm totally not hyperventilating about the desecration of a book. Hehehe...but then, I do a lot of reading on my Kindle, so to some out there, I've probably already slipped into the dark side. :)

    No, I'm not on Pinterest. I have issues with committing to another account. Haha! Plus, crafts and me don't go real well together. Somehow I always end up with glitter in my hair...or accidentally cutting my hair...or dipping my hair into glue...yeah, apparently it's my hair that suffers the most. :)

    1. Well, now I just want to have a craft night with you! That sounds way too entertaining! Haha!

      And I'm with you on committing to another account. That's where I am with Goodreads right now. I know I should get on there, but I just can't do it yet.

  3. That is super cute!! No, I'm not on Pinterest per se but I look at things on there ALL the time. I bookmarked so many clever ideas that I want to use as Christmas presents. Hubby and I are getting the craft area set up downstairs this week so I can get busy :)

    1. I'm not trying to corrupt you, Cindy (yes I am) but if you're already bookmarking things, you should just go ahead and get on Pinterest, so all your ideas will be in one handy dandy little spot. I mean really, if it takes you and your hubs to set up your craft area, you're not kidding around with this stuff! Come to the dark side! :0)

  4. I love it! I haven't made anything crafty from pinterest, but I've made some recipes. Let's just say that I'm not sure if I should blame my terrible cooking skills or the recipes...

    1. Always blame the recipe. I know next to nothing about cooking, but I do know that. Or, in your case, you could blame whatever weird meat your hunter husband brought home to go in the recipe. So many blaming options...

  5. I'm a huge Pinterest fan. I started doing it to stalk my favorite crafters before many authors got on board. I've made a few things from Pinterest, mainly card designs and subway art for gifts. Plus I've tried different home tips and recipes.

    I'm all for preserving books worth saving. That being said, I have no problem desecrating books with content I wouldn't feel comfortable sharing with others or outdated books that aren't classics.

    LOVE your pumpkin!

    1. Ooooh, card designs. I need to add that to my list. Subway art? I have to admit I don't know what that is, but it sounds interesting. I'll go search that.

      I would never desecrate a good book, either. And I'll confess that I have more trouble with the thought of maiming a fiction book than a non-fiction. What does that say about me? Besides the obvious fact that I need therapy. :0)

  6. Oooo, how long did it take? It looks SO cool!! Great job!

  7. It took about 30 minutes. It's super easy. I'm all about easy stuff that looks fancy and Martha Stewartish.

  8. Cute blog topic Susan. I'm probably #2 type.
    I'm a huge Pinterest lover. I'm no longer buying magazines--much to my hubbie's delight. But now he says, "you pinning still?"---YES! It's a visual maze!

    1. Thanks, Anne. Yes, Pinterest is better than magazines--we can hoard way more stuff that way. :0)
