
Friday, September 28, 2012

A Newbie Goes To Conference

Last week, I attended the American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) Conference for the first time. It was flat out amazing. I could talk about it for hours, but I'll spare you and just give you the highlights.

I arrived on Wednesday and jumped straight into the My Book Therapy Pitch and Promotion workshop, which really helped to ease my nerves and prepared me for my agent & editor appointments. My coach for the day was Lisa Jordan, who is quite possibly the world's greatest encourager. She's also a Carol Award winner. That's just how she rolls.

The very best table at the MBT Scrimmage.
Jeanne Takenaka, Mindy Obenhaus, Lisa Jordan, and me. We're missing
Lindsay Harrel, who was probably roaming about the room spreading Lindsay cheer.

Thursday morning, I went to the Early Bird session taught by Nancy Kress and took page after page of notes on writing scenes. That session was packed with helpful lessons. 

Later on Thursday, I volunteered to help set up the dining room for that evening's dinner. I really didn't know what we would be setting up before I went, so imagine my happy surprise when I found out that we were placing a free book on every chair! This is my kind of place! By the end of the weekend, I had a stack of books to bring home from all the lunch and dinner gifts.

About to head into the first main session with some of my OKC writer friends.
Me, Janet Lee Barton, Terri Weldon, Julie Jarnagin, and Lacy Williams.

Thursday afternoon, the conference officially started with worship led by Rachel Hauck and a keynote from Michael Hyatt. Both of those things were awesome. I tried to take a picture, but this was all I got.

You'll just have to trust me. That's Michael Hyatt.

Friday morning, I had my first appointment with an editor, and I didn't throw up or pass out. Win! I actually enjoyed meeting her and had a nice conversation. Friday afternoon, I met with an agent and was really encouraged by what she had to say. In between all that were loads of amazing classes on writing.

Friday night was the My Book Therapy Pizza Party. They put on a writer's version of the musical Oklahoma and it was hilarious. 

Lindsay "Curly" Harrel, Jeanne, and I having a yeehaw good time.
Saturday was the day of unexpected God moments. It started at breakfast when I met Connie Mann and continued later when I met Allison Pittman. Everyone I met at the conference was so wonderful, but these two ladies went out of their way to connect me with industry professionals. They didn't have to do that. Nobody even asked them to, but they did it anyway. I walked away from my conversations with them so encouraged, and was inspired to be as thoughtful of other people as they were to me. And for some reason, I didn't take a picture with either of them. Next year!

Saturday night was the big Awards Gala, which was SO fun! I was so happy for all the winners, and got teary during nearly every acceptance speech. It's just so exciting to watch people living their dreams.

Me and Julie (aka the best roommate ever!) on our way to the Gala.
Cheering for our friend the Genesis finalist, Erin Taylor Young.
Erin! Your face is on the big screen! How cool is that?!

Sunday, the conference ended with worship and lots of hugging and saying goodbye.

Worshipping with 700 other writers was awesome.

My prayer going into the conference was that I'd get just a bit of encouragement to keep going on my writing journey. God was faithful and gave me the encouragement I needed by the bucketful. And as an added bonus, He connected me with tons of people who will be my lifelong friends. As an introvert, I was nervous that I'd be overwhelmed with all the people, but I truly enjoyed being with everyone, especially my OKC writer friends. 

I'm already counting down the days until next year!


  1. I'm counting down to next year too! I truly enjoyed meeting you, Susan. Can't wait to snag your book off the shelf. I'll pay for it of course, gah! ;)

    1. Jessica, I so loved meeting you! You are so fun! And you were a huge encouragement to me after our little read-out-loud group in Karen Ball's class, so thank you for that. I can't wait to grab me some Jessica R. Patch books! I'm forever a fan!

  2. Yea! I'm so excited you posted. I can't believe we have to wait an entire year before we get to go back.

    1. I know! Apparently I've been talking non-stop about how much fun we had because tonight my 13 year-old said she was sick of hearing about "Julie, Julie, Julie!" Haha! I told her she was grounded. :0)

  3. Loved your recap!! And I'm sooooo glad we met. I'd better be one of those lifelong friends you talked about. ;)

    You also inspired me to find hot pink pants and rock them someday. Hehe.

    1. Linds, you better believe you're on my lifelong friends list! I'm so excited to take this little adventure with you. It'll be so fun to see where the next few years take us.

      And we should both rock the pink pants next year. We could start a whole trend!

    2. I'm in! Just have to find me a pair. ;)

  4. I loved meeting you, Susan! So glad we connected--conferences have a way of keeping me motivated and ready to keep writing! :)

    1. Loved meeting you, too, Jill! I'm with you--I came home inspired and ready to write like crazy!

  5. Susan, meeting you was one of the unexpected blessings of my entire conference! You are an amazing person!

    1. Lisa, to say meeting you was a blessing would be the understatement of the century. I truly can't express how much your coaching and encouragement meant to me! And I'm still SO excited about your Carol win! You absolutely deserved it.

  6. It's so much fun seeing all these pictures and reliving that awesome experience! I'm so happy we met and I can't wait to connect more on our blogs!!

    1. Me too, Gabrielle! In fact, I just spent quite a while reading through your blog. I love it! And I can't wait to see where your writing journey takes you. I have a feeling you'll be moving fast. :0)

  7. Great pictures! So glad you had such a good time at conference. I am sad I missed this year, but I am looking forward to next year!

  8. Thanks, Cindy! Maybe we can connect in Indy!
