
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Catching Up

Well, it's been quite a while since I posted anything. If you happen to be keeping track, you know I fell off the face of the blog world the second school let out for the summer. Hmmmm. How mysterious.

This summer has felt crazier than any other I remember. I've done the stay-at-home mom thing and I've done the working-mom thing, but now that I have the super flexible, own-my-own-business thing going, I find that I constantly have to have both hats on. I'm always sort of on work duty because I fit in phone calls, emails, & other admin things whenever I can during the day (or night) and I'm always on mom duty because, well, these kids are needy and think they need to eat like three times a day! Sheesh. Not to mention, they want to be driven to and picked up from friends' houses, camps, practices, the mall, the movies, gymnastics, GameStop, Braum's, and the list goes on and on and on. Gage & Jacey have both hit the stage in life when being with your people is one of the most important things (well, Jacey was born in that stage) which is great, but it sure can wear out the driver. I feel old saying that, but it's true.

I'm ready for school to start again, but not because my kids are starting to drive me crazy (like every summer before). I'm ready for the structure of a set routine...clear(er) boundaries between work time and home time. I'm ready for the kids to go to bed earlier (can you hear my tortured introvert self screaming for silence every night around 9:00?). And while I'm whining I'll just go ahead and say...

It's really hot outside!

Ok, moving on. Here are some highlights from our summer...

We've been to the pool a lot.

We've been visited by the Tooth Fairy.

We went on an amazing vacation with amazing friends.

We watched fireworks by the lake.

Whoaaaa. Duuuude. 3d Fireworks glasses rock!

And we got a dog.

Her name is Jovi (as in Bon Jovi). She is deeply loved by 3 sweet kids.
And I actually like her (it shocked me too!)

There you have it. 6 weeks of Crawford excitement in pictures.

So, how are you feeling at this point in the summer?